Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Man's Best Friend: A Cautionary Tale

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love dogs.  All shapes.  All sizes.  All breeds.  So with that said,   let me introduce myself--  "Hi, my name is Angela, Niesey to some and I. AM. A. Dog. LOVER."  Now I feel as if I need to join some type of support group after saying that.

I know, I'm rambling.  But I"m getting there. Just be patient with me. And take this walk down memory lane right quick with me if you don't mind.  Now, all my life we had dogs.  I can't remember my family not having a dog.  It didn't matter what breed the dog was.  At some point or other, we had possession of any kind of dog and mutt you could think of.  Our dogs were loved and happy.  We took care of them.  Took them to the vet and made sure that they were healthy.  You know, the things you are suppose to do when you become a dog owner.

Which brings me to what happened today as I attempted to walk my dogs.  Notice, I said "attempted.".  Now, I am the PROUD owner of three beautiful dogs (all girls).  There's Coco (daschund mix), Pepper (border collie mix), and Lola (I'm still trying to figure out what she is).  And as we were walking down the sidewalk, a dog ran across the street and went straight for my dogs.  I didn't even see the dog or where it came from.  All I know is, it was black and looked like it might have had some pit bull in it.  Like I said, it wasn't thinking about me.  It went straight for my dogs and started attacking them.  Now at this point, I'm in complete panic mode.  Since we were in front of a neighbor's house, there wasn't any sticks or rocks to pick up. BUT, luckily they have kids and we all know kids don't put their things up. So I thank them for not putting up their skateboard.  That's right, I said skateboard.  I picked that puppy up (no pun intended) and started swinging trying to get that dog off of my dogs.  Needless to say, it wasn't working and I think I tripped over my own two feet or something because the next thing I knew, I was on the ground.  So, now I'm beyond panic mode.  I'm in "mommy mode."  I just had to get that awful dog off of my babies.  I had to protect them and if that meant me getting hurt, then so be it.  I didn't care about me.  It was all about my babies.

I am so glad I have some of the neighbors I have.  Two of them came to my aid and one snatched up the dog that was trying to hurt mine.  The other fellow was trying to comfort me and help me collect my babies.  Because at this point, Coco said "I'm outta here" and was walking back toward our home.  Somehow, Pepper came out of her harness and was trying to get her sniff on.  And poor Lola was left to defend herself against a dog that was three times her size.  I know, my dogs have so much love for eachother right?    Any other time when a dog ran up to them, they tripled teamed it, but this time I guess it was every dog for herself.  We made it home safely.  No one was hurt,  and I called Animal Control on the dog and so did my neighbors.  I'm not sure if they came to pick up the dog or not, but they were suppose to.

My point is this:  If you are going to have a dog in your household, TAKE CARE OF IT!   Make sure that there's no holes in your fence.  Or that the side gate is not opened.  Make sure that if your dog does get loose, that it has all it's appropriate shots.  And most important, PAY ATTENTION.  Check on your dog and make sure its where its suppose to be.  If you don't want to take the time and effort it takes in owning a dog, guess what--DON'T GET ONE.

I hate to think what would have happened if my neighbors weren't there to help me out.  And I'm so glad that my girls didn't get hurt.  I think I was more shaken up then they were.  And I panicked more then they did.  But come on people, be smart and take care of your four legged friends.  Just because your dog is friendly to you and whomever is in your household, doesn't mean that once it gets loose, it will be friendly to others.  To the dog walkers, be aware of your surroundings, always have your dog on a leash, and carry something with you like pepper spray in case you encounter a stray dog (try to get away if possible).  And  let's all have some common courtesy and look out for one another out there.....

Just Saying,


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