Monday, February 20, 2012

The Death of Whitney Houston

I admit I am an avid Whitney Houston fan.  That's my girl.  Her voice was/is like no others'.  And every time I heard her sing, it was like listening to an angel. She took us all to "chuuuuurch" whether it was her signature song "I Will Always Love You" or one of her songs like "So Emotional".  She brought it home every time she opened her mouth.

She was America's sweetheart and we all embraced her, until she married Bobby Brown. Come on, you know you were just as upset as I was.  I mean, Bobby Brown. Really?  But there was more to Whitney then what we knew.  She had her insecurities.  She loved.  She hurt.  America's sweetheart was---human.  And she was not perfect.

I know everyone wants to blame Bobby for her downfall, but that blame is misplaced.  Whatever connection Whitney and Bobby had, it was a strong one.  I do believe they truly loved each other.  They understood each other.  Both found what they were looking for in one another.  They both had "images" that they were struggling to maintain--especially Whitney.  She had to be one way in the spotlight, but behind closed doors, she could be herself.  We don't know what demons she was fighting.  We don't know her mind set.  All we knew was--she spiraled out of control and it's Bobby's fault.  How do we know that she wouldn't have had a drug addiction if she didn't marry Bobby?   We honestly don't know.

And now our sweetheart is gone.  And once again, we are looking to blame someone.  Some say "put the blame on her."  But I don't even blame her.  I blame no one.  If you haven't experienced some type of addiction for yourself or if you never met someone battling an addiction, then you will never understand.  Any addiction whether it be drugs or gambling or sex takes complete control of every thing.  The addiction is your god, your friend, your family....and it grabs a hold of your soul.  It's hard to fight, and the ones that do fight it and overcomes it, will tell you it's a daily struggle whether they've been clean a year or twenty years.

But it's so sad that we turned our backs on Whitney at her lowest.  The addict she became, we shunned.  We talked about. We made fun of.  We discarded her like she was trash.  On her comeback tours, we walked out on her wanting our money back.  We were angry.  Some of us even disgusted.  But who are we to judge?

I was rooting big time for Whitney when she announced she was getting clean and coming back.  But it turned out to be a failure.  How do you think she felt? What do you think was going through her mind when she wasn't hitting her notes right?  Night after night, getting booed at.  I tell you she sure had guts to keep doing it.  She showed us her strength in those vulnerable times.  Now how many of you could have done the same?

Her death shocked us all.  I was still rooting for her.  I just knew she was going to come back with a vengeance.  But that was not in the plans.  All I know is that we lost a beautiful soul, a troubled soul.  I just hope now that she has found peace--peace of mind, peace of self, and peace of soul.  I don't know about you, but I will miss her.  RIP Whitney "Nippy" Houston.  Maybe I'll see you next lifetime.

Just Saying---

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