Monday, March 5, 2012

Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword

     In this corner, we have one of  the most  controversial conservatives in America-- Rush Limbaugh.  And in this corner we have all shapes, sizes, nationalities, and ethnicities also known as --the World.  Let the name game begin!!!!

By now, everyone has read about the harsh words Rush Limbaugh had to say to Sandra Fluke, a law student at Georgetown University.  And if you have not, now is the time to go do some research before you continue to read what I'm about to say....

Throughout my life, I have been called much worse than what Mr. Limbaugh called Ms. Fluke.  And it's most likely, in the near future, someone will get mad at me and call me everything but a child of  God.  Will I get upset? Probably.  Will I be offended? Maybe.  Will I turn around and spit out words that would make my grandmother blush?  I would be lying if I answered no to that question.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that what Mr. Limbaugh said was right.  Nor did I say I agree with him or what he said.  I am saying that we are so quick to put others down and call them names when we disagree with them and they disagree with us.

We are so wrapped up in "freedom of speech" that we lose sight of what is actually coming out of our mouths.  And just because we have this "freedom," does it mean we can abuse it and misuse it?  What happened to the good old days of good old fashioned "debate?"  Where two parties, on opposite sides, came together and discussed their point of view without the drawing of blood?  What happened to the right to  voice an opinion without being called names?  And most importantly, what happened to R-E-S-P-E-C-T?

Just because someone does not agree with your views does not mean that, that person is wrong.  It doesn't mean that, that person is a "slut" or a "prostitute".  It doesn't mean that, he/she is self righteous or an out of control liberal.  EVERYONE is different.  We think differently.  Our feelings are different.  We have different beliefs and different passions.  BUT just because we have these differences, does not mean we have to belittle each other just because we can.  We are ALL a part of this race called Life.

I was always told "there is a time and a place for everything so choose your battles wisely."  And "some things are better left unsaid."  But my favorite one is "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."  I thank my mom and grandma for passing these sayings down to me.  Because if we all listened and adhered to these sayings, then maybe we would have a better understanding of one another.  Maybe we would be a little bit more patient and a little bit more forgiving.  And maybe we would all think before we opened our mouths to speak.....Or would we?

Just Saying,

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