Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Where Were You?

Twelve years ago.  It seems as if it was just yesterday.  Twelve years ago, the world as we knew it—ENDED…

The morning of September 11, 2001 was an ordinary one for me.  I had just relocated to Houston, TX back in June, and I was actively searching for full time employment.  I was in the middle of a real life horror film, called HOUSTON TRAFFIC, on my way to an appointment I had with one of the numerous employment agencies Houston has to offer.  I was listening to one of my favorite radio stations, singing along like my name was Whitney Houston, when the music was interrupted by an emergency news broadcast.  I heard the announcer say that we were under attack by terrorists.  I heard him go on to say that the North and South towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed.  I admit that my mind drifted for a moment because I could not wrap my head around what was being said.  I thought that it was some sick joke that was being played over the radio (for it wouldn’t be the first time creating mass hysteria).  Then I thought, “What kind of sicko would joke about something so serious?”  Really?  And then, it dawned on me that it wasn’t a joke……

I made it to my destination in awe.  I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know how to feel.  So many things were going through my mind.  The lady that I was scheduled to meet with had friends in New York that worked in that area (if not in the World Trade Center itself).  We all sat in silence listening to the news wondering what else would happen…..My appointment was cancelled, and truthfully, I don’t know how I made it back to my car because I was still in shock.  Once I made it back home, I was glued to the television.  I think I went through all kinds of emotions.  At first, I was in shock.  Then, I was sad and hurt.  Finally, I was angry.  I was angry because I couldn’t believe that these so called terrorists had the audacity to do that mess here, in the United States of America.  I was angry because these “men” were cowards dying for a cause that they probably didn’t understand.  I was angry for all the people who lost loved ones because of some “stupid sh**.”  And I was angry because I didn’t understand how the powers that be let that happen on our soil.   I learned a cruel lesson that day—WE ARE NOT IMMUNE.

Twelve years later, and it still haunts every one of us.  I often wonder what the passengers of the planes felt knowing they were going to die.  I wonder are their souls truly at rest because of the violent way they left this Earth.  I wonder how the surviving members of all of their families are coping.  Have they gotten some type of peace? Have their minds and hearts been comforted?  And I wonder how anyone can justify that acts of suicide missions are right when the causalities are people that have nothing to do with “the cause.”   

September 11, 2001, the world ended as we knew it.  That day left a scar on all of us that is still healing.  My heart goes out to all the victims of this senseless crime.  And for the terrorists, NO—the heroes were not the ones that succeeded in their mission—the HEROES were those that sat on that plane and lost their lives so WE can live—so WE can be better people.

Twelve years ago, and I remember it like it happened yesterday….Where were you????

Just Saying,


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