Friday, September 20, 2013

Nothing, but my BAY BAY

And now for that feel good story…….

I can’t believe that my little Booby Bear, my nephew, will be two years old tomorrow.  Or, as that age is called, “the terrible twos.”   It seems like it was just yesterday, I was rocking him in my arms, watching him as he was falling asleep. Time surely does fly…….And yes, I did call him “Booby Bear” in case you were wondering if that was a typo or something.  I know-- I will cross that bridge when he is twenty and he has a complex behind me calling him that…..but for now, he will always be my little “Booby Bear.” I also have pet names for my nieces. So let me take a minute and give a shout out to my—“Tina Beana” and my—“Courtney Smortney aka Courtney Wee.”

I have to admit, when my brother told me he was going to be a daddy, I was very negative.  I mean, he just barely met this girl and then WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA’AM---she’s pregnant.  So yes, I did tell him to make sure the baby was his because females can be trifling (especially when they see a good guy trying to take care of his business).  I also told him, “I will believe it when I see it.”-----I know, I was a Grade A B**** (rhymes with witch).  And I can admit that.  The Sister in me didn’t want my brother to get hurt.  And the Woman in me was like “BEEP-- BEEP---BACK AWAY FROM THE OKEY DOKE—DON’T FALL FOR IT!!!!”  What can I say; SKEPTICAL is my middle name…..

Well, as you figured out, my brother was the baby daddy.  He posted pictures of my nephew on his Facebook page, and yes that baby had “Becknell” written all over him…And what could have been a sad ending, turned out to be a joyous one because all was  forgiven and I fell head over heels in love with my nephew….

He makes a bad mood go away when he looks at me with those big brown eyes and smiles at me or gives me “sugars”.  He makes my heart melt.  He makes me feel all “mushy” inside.  As you can tell, I love this little boy with all my heart and soul.  And I will do anything in my power to protect him…. (However, that feeling will go away once he hits puberty because then I probably will want to choke him.) 

So here’s to wishing him a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY with many more to come.  And I thank God for blessing me with such a crazy little nephew AND crazy grown nieces—plus one little niece that I’m still waiting to meet (Hi James!!!)…Auntie loves YOU ALL!!!

Just Saying,

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