Tuesday, July 30, 2013

......But The Kid IS NOT My Son

Maury:  You’re sure that he is the father of your child?
Quest:  Yes, Maury.  Look at his eyes and my baby’s eyes.  They have the same eyes Maury.
Maury:  Why do you think he’s denying being the father?
Quest:  Cause of that *itch he’s with and his crack head momma.  They are going around saying that my baby ain’t his and that I cheated on him.
Maury: So, you are absolutely positive that there’s no one else who could be the father?
Quest:  No, Maury.  I’m ten million percent sure that he’s the father.  Unless it’s Immaculate Conception, there’s no one else.
Alleged Baby Daddy:  Man Maury, I don’t know why she’s saying this is my baby.  He doesn’t even look like me.  Hell, I didn’t even sleep with her back then.  We broke up cause she was cheating.  Just put it like this Maury, “you can’t make no hoe into a house wife.”
Maury:  Okay then. Let’s get to the results. In the question of paternity….Brian…YOU ARE NOT the father…..
Quest:  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…. (As she runs off stage like a track star.)
Proven NOT to be the father:  See, I told ya’ll….she’s a hoe….. (And cut to commercial.)

The majority of us, at one point in time, have witnessed this scene over and over again.  Some of us have shaken our heads in utter disgust.  And some of us actually felt sorry for the mom.  SORRY that she made a complete ass of herself, on national television, in front of millions of people.  SORRY for what she put the alleged baby daddy through (along with his family).  And we feel SORRY for the child caught in the middle of this madness.

I write this blog because, me, as a woman cannot understand how any woman (and I use that term loosely here) can do that to her child.  A child she claims she will never hurt intentionally.  Because taking your kid(s) on national T.V. only to have their hopes of having a dad crushed in ten minutes or less---to me—is intentionally hurting them. What kind of message is she sending to her kid(s)?  What kind of example is she setting?  What will she say? …… “Oh, baby, since momma was sleeping around, I don’t know who your daddy is?”  Really????

And what about the ones who had multiple men tested?  Is there ever a point in their minds where they stop denying the truth?  If they don’t know, then just say so.  Denying the truth only makes these women look foolish, look nasty, and makes them look like complete idiots.

I speak so candidly about this because this happened recently to one of my family members.  From the start, he kept telling us that he did not sleep with his ex around the time she conceived.  And instead of petitioning the court for a DNA test, his ex-tried to slap child support on him.  Mind you, someone else signed the birth certificate, and the child was in that man’s last name.  She only started this mess when the child’s “father” found out he wasn’t the father.  I think the child was around four or five back then when all of this came up.  Fast forward to now, I think he’s around ten and she started this mess again.  But you know what’s so wrong about all of it? She was only concerned with “getting paid.”  Yes, those were her exact words…..Well, sorry boo boo.  My family member WAS NOT THE FATHER—ZERO CHANCE—NADA---NO---WRONG GUY.  To make matters worse, he was the fourth guy she had tested.  Let’s count---One. Two. Three.  FOUR.

My heart goes out to her child because of his momma’s stupidity and lack of judgment.  What will he think of women now?  And I bet she doesn’t even realize the damage she has done to her child.  And that’s a shame within itself.

I understand that I might have offended some with this entry.  Honestly, I can care less.  Maybe, whoever needs to be offended.  Now it’s time to grow the hell up and try to do the right thing for the child’s sake……And in the famous words of Tamar Braxton, I leave you with this….”Get your life cause ain’t nobody got time for that!!!!”

Just Saying,

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