Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's Been A Long Time Coming--But I Know A Change Is Gonna Come

It’s been a long time
I shouldn’t have left you
Without a dope blog entry to respond to (respond to)…..(fade out)

Okay, so I kind of borrowed that from the intro of Aaliyah’s song “Try Again.”  BUT I had to get your attention somehow…..

I know it’s been awhile since my last blog entry, but let me assure you it is not my last.  LIFE happens, and it gave me a hell of a right hook to the jaw that knocked me smooth off of my feet---TEMPORARILY.

I’m slowly (but surely) regaining my composure and getting back to—ME.

So please be patient with me and continue this journey with me.  I promise that I will not leave you “stranded” for too much longer….


Just Saying,


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