Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ode to Womanhood

This is for all the mothers, aunts, cousins, sisters, sister girlfriends, nieces, and grandmothers out there.  Know that you are appreciated for all your hard work and dedication.  And I wish each one of you a very “HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY.”  Be blessed, and keep on pushing on!!!

James Brown said it best—“this is a man’s man’s world, but it would be nothing without a woman or a girl.”  True, man has done a lot--created a lot, but who do you think was the back bone? You got it, WOMAN….

This might be a man’s world, but women make the world go round. Women play so many roles in life that we automatically should get a Doctorate’s degree in Lifeology. Yes, I said that.  You see, man can’t handle the things a woman can.  His shoulders are not strong enough to carry the weight of the world like a woman can.  God knew what He was doing when He created woman.  He knew Adam couldn’t handle things on his own.  He needed help.  He needed the love and comfort of a woman…And nothing can beat a woman’s love….

Some might like to think we are the weaker sex.  Really??? To those people, I have two words to say “giving birth.”  If giving birth doesn’t show how strong a woman is, then I don’t know what else will convince the naysayers of how strong women are.  I know a man couldn’t handle the whole “birthing” process.  Heck, they can’t even make it through one push in the delivery room with their wives or girlfriends.  So, weak---I think not!!! Throughout history, we were WARRIORS.  We were QUEENS.  We ruled over nations.  And it’s time we WOMEN recognize the legacy we come from.  

We are not “weak”.  We are not “welcome mats” for others to wipe their feet on.  WE ARE WOMAN!!! HEAR US ROAR!!!

My Queens---My Rocks
And I write this to celebrate our womanhood.  I write this to let YOU know that you are appreciated. I write this cause man better recognize the contributions we have made to this world and will continue to make to it.  I write this in honor of my QUEENS-my Mother and Grandmother. They showed me strength that no super hero possesses.  They showed me that you don’t have to have fancy costumes, special powers, or tricked out toys to be a super hero.  BUT, by being there for their family and by simply being themselves-- they truly are “SUPER WOMEN.”  

Now, can I get a witness??? A MAN, perhaps?

Just Saying,

1 comment:

  1. be proud...hold your head up high..know that you are worthy...LOVE!!!
