Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday Dinner at Grandma's: A Feel Good Story

My family doesn’t have too many traditions.  I mean, sure, we celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.  We even did the black eyed peas at midnight for New Year’s.  But we didn’t have our “own” traditions that were just ours alone.  Thank God for Sundays.

Every Sunday, my Mom, Grandma, or even my uncle would cook up a meal so good you would want to slap them.  I couldn’t wait to get out of church just so I could get my “eat on”.  And it wasn’t just me waiting for the last amens to be said.  My aunts would join in on Sunday’s dinner also.  Sometimes, friends, grandchildren, cousins, and uncles would drop by to fix them a plate.  Other times, it was just my immediate family gathered around the kitchen table enjoying one another’s company.

You see, Sunday’s dinner was not just about the food.  It was about the coming together of a family.  It was about camaraderie. We laughed together, gossiped together, and overate together.  A lot of bonding went on at the dinner table.

Although, we have all gotten older and some of us have moved on, Sunday dinner is still an important part in my life.  Sometimes, I just sit back and listen to my aunt and grandma go back and forth.  Sometimes, it’s me getting “sassy” with my grandma.  But it is all in good fun.  And at the end of the day, we all walk away from the table full of food, full of love, and full of respect for each other.  Thank God for Sundays!!!!

Just Saying,



  2. Aww that brings back memories! I love reading your blogs,keep them coming!!!!

    1. thanks ja'net..i'm glad someone is enjoying reading my if more people would just read the different blogs but won't comment on them...but i'm being patient...
