Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Man's Best Friend: A Cautionary Tale

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love dogs.  All shapes.  All sizes.  All breeds.  So with that said,   let me introduce myself--  "Hi, my name is Angela, Niesey to some and I. AM. A. Dog. LOVER."  Now I feel as if I need to join some type of support group after saying that.

I know, I'm rambling.  But I"m getting there. Just be patient with me. And take this walk down memory lane right quick with me if you don't mind.  Now, all my life we had dogs.  I can't remember my family not having a dog.  It didn't matter what breed the dog was.  At some point or other, we had possession of any kind of dog and mutt you could think of.  Our dogs were loved and happy.  We took care of them.  Took them to the vet and made sure that they were healthy.  You know, the things you are suppose to do when you become a dog owner.

Which brings me to what happened today as I attempted to walk my dogs.  Notice, I said "attempted.".  Now, I am the PROUD owner of three beautiful dogs (all girls).  There's Coco (daschund mix), Pepper (border collie mix), and Lola (I'm still trying to figure out what she is).  And as we were walking down the sidewalk, a dog ran across the street and went straight for my dogs.  I didn't even see the dog or where it came from.  All I know is, it was black and looked like it might have had some pit bull in it.  Like I said, it wasn't thinking about me.  It went straight for my dogs and started attacking them.  Now at this point, I'm in complete panic mode.  Since we were in front of a neighbor's house, there wasn't any sticks or rocks to pick up. BUT, luckily they have kids and we all know kids don't put their things up. So I thank them for not putting up their skateboard.  That's right, I said skateboard.  I picked that puppy up (no pun intended) and started swinging trying to get that dog off of my dogs.  Needless to say, it wasn't working and I think I tripped over my own two feet or something because the next thing I knew, I was on the ground.  So, now I'm beyond panic mode.  I'm in "mommy mode."  I just had to get that awful dog off of my babies.  I had to protect them and if that meant me getting hurt, then so be it.  I didn't care about me.  It was all about my babies.

I am so glad I have some of the neighbors I have.  Two of them came to my aid and one snatched up the dog that was trying to hurt mine.  The other fellow was trying to comfort me and help me collect my babies.  Because at this point, Coco said "I'm outta here" and was walking back toward our home.  Somehow, Pepper came out of her harness and was trying to get her sniff on.  And poor Lola was left to defend herself against a dog that was three times her size.  I know, my dogs have so much love for eachother right?    Any other time when a dog ran up to them, they tripled teamed it, but this time I guess it was every dog for herself.  We made it home safely.  No one was hurt,  and I called Animal Control on the dog and so did my neighbors.  I'm not sure if they came to pick up the dog or not, but they were suppose to.

My point is this:  If you are going to have a dog in your household, TAKE CARE OF IT!   Make sure that there's no holes in your fence.  Or that the side gate is not opened.  Make sure that if your dog does get loose, that it has all it's appropriate shots.  And most important, PAY ATTENTION.  Check on your dog and make sure its where its suppose to be.  If you don't want to take the time and effort it takes in owning a dog, guess what--DON'T GET ONE.

I hate to think what would have happened if my neighbors weren't there to help me out.  And I'm so glad that my girls didn't get hurt.  I think I was more shaken up then they were.  And I panicked more then they did.  But come on people, be smart and take care of your four legged friends.  Just because your dog is friendly to you and whomever is in your household, doesn't mean that once it gets loose, it will be friendly to others.  To the dog walkers, be aware of your surroundings, always have your dog on a leash, and carry something with you like pepper spray in case you encounter a stray dog (try to get away if possible).  And  let's all have some common courtesy and look out for one another out there.....

Just Saying,


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Debt Collector Blues

This is for everyone out there who has found themselves on the receiving end of a debt collector's phone call....

I was contacted back in December of a debt that I alleged owed that was more than 5 years old.  Mind you, this woman called me at work and identified herself as a paralegal for this law office.  I guess by her saying that, I was suppose to be intimidated.  Yeah right.  She went on sounding like "blah, blah, blah." You know the sound--what the teacher's and grown ups sound like on Charlie Brown.  I told her I had no clue what she was talking about and to please not call my work number anymore. Okay.  I thought every thing was fine UNTIL she called me back in February (at work).  Again, she was asked to not call me at work and that I did not owe any debt.  She was trying her best to out talk me. What?  Really?  Out talk..Me? Needless to say, she met Mr. Click.

She stalked me three days in a row.  The second day my coworker took a message and we looked up the number she gave and information on the supposed law firm she was calling from.  Can you say BOGUS. Let's break it down--B.O.G.U.S.  There were all kinds of complaints against this law firm and people reporting them to the FTC.  They had at least three names associated to them.  Wow!!  So on the third day, Ms. Stalker called me (at work even though she was asked not to) and before she could go on, I asked her to give me the address of the law firm. She said sure, and as I had my pen poised and ready, she hung up on me.  You heard me--the witch hung up on me.  That told me right there that "somethin' just ain't right."

First, if this was indeed a law firm, all the numerous letters she claimed she mailed to me, I would have received.  Secondly, when I called her back one time, the lady that answered the phone sure did not answer it correctly..very unprofessional.  And finally, she would not have hung up on me when I asked her to provide an address. So guess what I did????? Yep, I filed a complaint with the FTC.

I shared this because you must be careful about people like this.  You need to be aware of your rights.  And you need to be aware of what the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act says.  It tells you what a debt collector can and can not do.  Be aware of the statute of limitations in your state.  For Texas, it is four years. They CAN NOT sue you once the statute of limitations pass.

So please be aware of imitators and fraudulent people claiming to work for a law firm.  If you have a name of the company and a number, check them out on the internet.  RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH!!!

So if you get called by someone representing Oxford Law, LLC--don't get caught up.  Don't argue.  Don't say anything.  Just ask for their address and see what happens next......

Just Saying,

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Death of Whitney Houston

I admit I am an avid Whitney Houston fan.  That's my girl.  Her voice was/is like no others'.  And every time I heard her sing, it was like listening to an angel. She took us all to "chuuuuurch" whether it was her signature song "I Will Always Love You" or one of her songs like "So Emotional".  She brought it home every time she opened her mouth.

She was America's sweetheart and we all embraced her, until she married Bobby Brown. Come on, you know you were just as upset as I was.  I mean, Bobby Brown. Really?  But there was more to Whitney then what we knew.  She had her insecurities.  She loved.  She hurt.  America's sweetheart was---human.  And she was not perfect.

I know everyone wants to blame Bobby for her downfall, but that blame is misplaced.  Whatever connection Whitney and Bobby had, it was a strong one.  I do believe they truly loved each other.  They understood each other.  Both found what they were looking for in one another.  They both had "images" that they were struggling to maintain--especially Whitney.  She had to be one way in the spotlight, but behind closed doors, she could be herself.  We don't know what demons she was fighting.  We don't know her mind set.  All we knew was--she spiraled out of control and it's Bobby's fault.  How do we know that she wouldn't have had a drug addiction if she didn't marry Bobby?   We honestly don't know.

And now our sweetheart is gone.  And once again, we are looking to blame someone.  Some say "put the blame on her."  But I don't even blame her.  I blame no one.  If you haven't experienced some type of addiction for yourself or if you never met someone battling an addiction, then you will never understand.  Any addiction whether it be drugs or gambling or sex takes complete control of every thing.  The addiction is your god, your friend, your family....and it grabs a hold of your soul.  It's hard to fight, and the ones that do fight it and overcomes it, will tell you it's a daily struggle whether they've been clean a year or twenty years.

But it's so sad that we turned our backs on Whitney at her lowest.  The addict she became, we shunned.  We talked about. We made fun of.  We discarded her like she was trash.  On her comeback tours, we walked out on her wanting our money back.  We were angry.  Some of us even disgusted.  But who are we to judge?

I was rooting big time for Whitney when she announced she was getting clean and coming back.  But it turned out to be a failure.  How do you think she felt? What do you think was going through her mind when she wasn't hitting her notes right?  Night after night, getting booed at.  I tell you she sure had guts to keep doing it.  She showed us her strength in those vulnerable times.  Now how many of you could have done the same?

Her death shocked us all.  I was still rooting for her.  I just knew she was going to come back with a vengeance.  But that was not in the plans.  All I know is that we lost a beautiful soul, a troubled soul.  I just hope now that she has found peace--peace of mind, peace of self, and peace of soul.  I don't know about you, but I will miss her.  RIP Whitney "Nippy" Houston.  Maybe I'll see you next lifetime.

Just Saying---