Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Sum of One

I can’t believe that this is already the third month in the New Year, 2015.  And as I was reading over some of my previous entries, something caught my attention.  I noticed that I wrote a total of ZERO entries for 2014.  I was a little shocked about this, and I was a whole lot of DISAPPOINTED in myself for letting a whole year pass me by without me writing in my blog.  I mean, how could this be?  How could I remain silent for a year?  Surely, there was something to write about.  Right???

This blog was started so my voice could be heard.  My blog was an extension of me.  It was a way for me to share my thoughts, my feelings, and my opinions in a constructive way.  Hell, it was in the top ten of my Bucket List. So, why would I stop something that was good for me?  Something that I wanted to do for so long?  The answer(s) is simple; my passion for my blog wore off.  My inspiration got lost, and I couldn’t find it.  I just could not make myself write.  And trying to force it was like trying to get my husband to listen to me—it’s just not happening.

So what changed, you ask.  Very good question.  Rereading some of my previous blog entries, and talking with my second mom helped me realize that—even if I reach one person, my voice is being heard.  I’m not going to lie.  I was concerned about the number of followers my blog had.  Honestly, who wouldn’t be?  But, it never was about the numbers.  It was about helping me and getting back to what I love to do—write.

My blog isn’t just a blog.  It’s a reflection of me.  It’s therapeutic for me.  It’s the Sum of Me.  And you know what, I’m totally okay with that.  Just like Rupaul said, “if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell can you love somebody else.”

Just Saying,